AAA Tree Works – Trusted Arborists for over 14 years

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Here in the Roanoke area, we’re fully enjoying autumn with shorter days and cooler weather. Leaves are turning to gorgeous shades and falling from their branches. Your trees will soon begin their long sleep. This is the right time for a care plan is extremely important to make sure they thrive.

How do you maintain your trees’ health now and prepare them for winter?

Fertilizing is one of the best ways to support your trees. because quality fertilizer helps protect against winter damage.

The delicate forest environment has evolved over eons. Consequently, forest trees benefit from an abundance of nutrients.

The trees in our yards, however, are a whole other story. Those growing in urban and suburban environments face high-stress conditions like low moisture, compaction, physical damage, and construction.  Moreover, as we rake away leaves, twigs, and bark that would have naturally decomposed, we also remove nutrients that feed the roots.

When faced with these conditions’ trees won’t reach their full landscape potential. They may also suffer shorter lifespans and be more susceptible to insects and diseases. Therefore, fertilization can replenish missing nutrients and bolster a tree’s condition.

Now is also an excellent time to prune and trim your trees to better help them thrive during the winter. Autumn also presents a great opportunity for our expert arborists to completely inspect your trees. With fewer leaves, we can easily check for the “3 Ds” of tree care: damaged, diseased or dying. If your tree shows any of these weaknesses, we’ll recognize the problems and offer solutions. Additionally, a complete inspection will reveal any insect infestation or other issues. As a result, we can deal with the problems before the coldest months.

October can be a scary month, but it doesn’t have to be one for your trees, landscape and property. Call AAA Tree works today. and we’ll be happy to schedule a time and give a FREE ESTIMATE on what your trees need.